On April 22, 2022 KLRN Public Television hosted a virtual screening of the PBS and Amazon Prime series Power Trip: The Story of Energy. This screening featured the "Best of Season One" episode, followed by a discussion about careers focused on energy and the environment with Julia Murphy, the Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer for City of San Antonio’s Office of Sustainability, Heather Ginsburg, the Field Education Programs Coordinator for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS), and Angela Rodriguez the Director of Climate Strategy & Sustainability at CPS Energy, moderated by Juan Garcia, the President of Disco Learning Media.
Filmed around the world, Power Trip uncovers the hidden energy that is embedded in our modern way of life and takes viewers on a journey through the past, present and future of energy. As our world population expands we face growing demand for energy, and the stakes to avoid environmental, climate, and natural disasters are high. But history shows us that energy’s great value is that it allows societies to reinvent themselves.
This event was powered by Itron, Inc. and CPS Energy as part of the Smart Energy Education initiative in partnership with KLRN Public Television, The University of Texas at Austin, Disco Learning Media, and Alpheus Media.
Power Trip: The Story of Energy - Best of Season One
KLRN PBS OVEE Earth Day Post-Screening Panel Discussion
Watch the Trailer for Power Trip: The Story of Energy