
A Guide to Energy Conservation

June 19, 2021

Asking students to be mindful about energy and waste begins by teaching them the benefits of conservation. Learning about the Water / Energy Nexus and then conducting in-school or at-home energy audits are great ways to start!

Why Learn About Energy Efficiency?

Teaching students about energy efficiency goes a long way to reinforce a lifetime of positive habits. Plus, it’s everyone responsibility - no matter how young or how old - to learn about energy and water conservation to help save the Earth.

Practical Lessons on Energy Efficiency

Resourcefulness: An Introduction to the Water Energy Nexus has a range of exciting lessons and energy literacy materials that introduce middle and high school students to the idea of energy conservation and how energy use impacts the environment - and our utility bills. Students can learn about renewable and non-renewable energy and energy’s impact on the environment. And if students are motivated, they can register for certificate of completion at the end of the eCourse. 

For younger students we encourage to look at the plethora of lessons, games, and activities from the Watt Watchers program. And best of all, all resources are 100% free.

Creating Energy-efficient Homes

Teaching children to understand energy conservation is a great way to have them embrace smart energy best practices. To learn more about energy conservation and how to get students involved, reach out to us today!

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